We are independent. We search, compare and negotiate with the best entities in the market to obtain the best financing for you. We look for the most favourable conditions. We study the feasibility of the project beforehand. We speed up the paperwork process. We expertly negotiate the financing amount and its terms. We advise you and keep you up to date during the process.
We get results.
Is this what you want?
Our work also focuses on extending working capital financing limits with your current bank pool, incorporating/substituting financial institutions, long-term operations with different solutions, etc.
Support in the preparation and presentation of project financing operations and obtaining financing through funds.
Thank you for your interest in Kaizen Consulting. Please fill in the following form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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C/ Cirilo Amorós, 62A – piso 2
46004 Valencia
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961 074 807
C/ O’Donnell, 4 – Planta 1 puerta 21
28009 Madrid
Call us
910 029 962
Office 43, The Cobalt Building
1600 Eureka Park, Lower Pemberton
Ashford TN25 4BF